Friday, August 19, 2011

Patricia Fry’s Promote Your Book hitting headlines

Jumbo Editorial Team

Patricia Fry has carved a niche for herself by bringing out some fabulous books and the latest addition to the list is Promote Your Book: Over 250 Proven, Low-Cost Tips and Techniques for Enterprising Authors, released the other week by Allworth Press, New York. The book has been an instant hit, having received a dozen five-star reviews very quickly.

This is 34th published book by the California-based Fry, who has been writing for various publications since 1973. The majority of her books relate to publishing and book promotion.

Promote Your Book is going to catch the imagination of any writer, aiming to make it big on the international scene. It provides invaluable guidance even to the published authors, many of whom are not entirely well versed with the selling techniques.

The book gives the enterprising authors an advantage they need in order to more successfully navigate the publishing industry and gain a better understanding of their responsibilities. It makes them realize that their approach to book promotion holds the key to their book's success.

In Promote Your Book, Fry has put together a well-organized collection of the most successful low-cost and no-cost ideas providing solutions for both aspiring and seasoned authors in any genre. This book has been designed with the novelist in mind as well as the nonfiction and children's author.

Fry, considered one of the leading authorities on publishing and book promotion, has brought perspective and success stories of two dozen others throughout the pages of this highly informative and useful book.

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