Thursday, August 4, 2011

Prime Minister Julia Gillard launches Christine Nixon's Fair Cop

Jumbo Editorial Team

The Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, has launched the much talked about Christine Nixon's book, Fair Cop, while urging the readers to judge for the former chief commissioner's actions for themselves.

The Prime Minister declared Fair Cop, written by Christine Nixon in collaboration with Jo Chandler, edited by Cathy Smith and published by Victory Press, officially launched at the historic Windsor Hotel.

“I want to begin by thanking Melbourne University Publishing (MUP) for making this event possible. The MUP has for decades played an extraordinary role in our national conversation. You’ve given our country its greatest work of scholarship – the Australian Dictionary of Biography. You’ve published works by distinguished writers such as Gore Vidal, Barry Jones, Don Watson, Paul Kelly and Stuart Macintyre. And you’ve published controversial works, including the book the subject of today’s launch,” Prime Minister Gillard acknowledged.

“And that is no surprise because Fair Cop canvasses some of the very deepest-seated issues in contemporary society: The role of women; The nature of policing; Changing styles of leadership; Our response to nature’s cruelty; Accountability in public life. Any of these topics would be the subject of understandable discussion on their own. To raise all of them in one volume has made controversy inevitable,” she added.

“I am not here today to adjudicate that controversy. Readers will be able to judge for themselves. I am here because Christine Nixon is a high-achieving Australian whose long journey of public service deserves our attention and regard,” the Prime Minister reckoned.

“Whatever your standpoint, this book records the life of a significant Australian whose achievements - from the day she stepped into the Police Academy in 1972, to the day she left the Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery Authority last year, are worthy of attention and respect. It is a life told frankly and fluently by its authors. Controversial – certainly. But indispensable for all who want to understand the recent history of our nation,” she believed.

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